Life is a struggle between what we want and what the world wants us to have. And whenever things take a different turn to what we always dream of, comes a point when we’re like…
“I’m feeling stuck in life!!!”
Needless to say, it’s not a pretty place.
We feel like drowning. We feel like every door in our life is closed. Lost. In dark. With no idea where to go. With no idea where we are. And with no idea how we even got here.
After all, wasn’t I moving forward with a plan?!
However, each of these reasons eventually leads to one simple fact—my life should be different than it is right now.
I want to do so many things—I want to turn my dream of an ‘ideal living’ into reality. But I am stuck in this dead-end job, in the name of responsibility and comfort.
We feel stuck in this quicksand. The more we move, the deeper we get. The feeling of trap-ness is in hands with worthlessness and confusion. This eventually spans into depression and hopelessness.
Did you know one of the biggest reasons behind suicides is hopelessness towards life?
But if you’re going through something similar – walking in a dark endless tunnel, alone, clueless – should you know, there are millions of people walking in the same tunnel.
Everyone, at one time or another, feels stuck. The only difference is, some stay in that state for few days, others lurk around in that shade for months and even years.
I am stuck in this phase for quite some time now. Not that I am sad and moping all the while. But whenever anything turns north, the sudden feeling of guilt, unworthiness, shame—it all comes rushing to the moment, making me feel “stuck”.
(Right now I am living this moment… with full acceptance and a slight change of view towards life.)
We scroll through our social media feeds, stumble across a beautiful picture of someone traveling and we tell ourselves “they are living a perfect life”.
We watch YouTube videos, we read stories, we see people on greener grass—and all these come off as a “perfect life” for us.
In our chase for such perfect life, we start hating our present days. The feeling of being stuck rushes. Everything that goes wrong now foretells just how much our lives suck and how desperately we need to stride towards that perfect life we see around ourselves.
Let’s do something…
If you’re feeling stuck, sit back and think why is that? You definitely want to get somewhere else than you are right now – where is that “somewhere”?
More often than not, you will find yourself chasing a (non-existing) image of perfect life!
You want to be something—why? Because you have pictured yourself living a perfect life once you get there.
Now lets’ head back to reality. A PERFECT LIFE DOESN’T EXIST. There will always be some problems even when you get to the very top of your personal and professional life.
Do you think, once you’ve reached your dreams, problems will stop knocking your door?
Of course, not!
So the first step to feeling “unstuck” is to understand the fact that there’s no such thing as perfect life.
There exists a better life. And to get there, we need not change our whole life—we just need to change our days.
It’s plain and simple! Just tell to yourself that you’re going to die!
Yes, this might sound dismal but it is one of the most effective techniques I have found. When you’re feeling stuck, you simply remind yourself that, even if nothing changes in your life, it’s only a matter of few years and everything will be over.
I am going to die soon. Relieved of this worst feeling. Away from all the problems.
When you shift your mindset from living to dead, you will instantly feel much elevated. The current struggle would feel much smaller in the face of mortality. It would dawn on you that the pain you’re living this hour, this day, isn’t forever. It’s going to end soon. And likely then, in death, you’ll be in a much better position.
When you’ll think about death, you will instantly come back from your chase for that perfect life into your present. Even with all the problems, you will feel much appreciative of what you have that you’re not going to have after some years from now.
In the face of death, every problem will look smaller. You will be relieved. Relaxed. Calmed. In the Moment.
When you get into this state, it’s time to get rid of the feeling like you’re stuck in life. But this is not possible until you…
When nothing is going right in your life, hope is what you need the most. It is necessary to life. It’s what pushes you to live the next moment—it gives you the reason to live even in the mix of all the problems.
Every time you’re feeling stuck in life, incapable to move and breathe, you need to hope for better days ahead.
Of course, doing this is going to be a challenge. But once you realize how minute your current struggles are and that there’s only “better” and nothing as such “perfect life”, making space for hope in your life would become easier.
You will now be in a much-settled place, with all your anxieties at ease.
You won’t be trying to run out of this dark tunnel, you will simply walk. Because you now know there are so many people walking around you – with you – and that the light at the end will eventually be visible.
You won’t be chasing a perfect life. On the back of hope, you would be looking for better days by understanding how small your problems are and that they eventually will come to an end.
Once you’re feeling unstuck and are ready to make your every day better, it’s time to take proactive measures to bring change. This is a different topic altogether; we’ll talk about that sometime else. :)
Remember, feeling stuck in your life is exactly that—a feeling! It’s not a fact. It doesn’t have to be. Don’t let this mindset makes you think you have a bad life.
Live.Perfectly. Progressively.
“I’m feeling stuck in life!!!”
How To Stop Feeling Stuck in Life? |
We feel like drowning. We feel like every door in our life is closed. Lost. In dark. With no idea where to go. With no idea where we are. And with no idea how we even got here.
After all, wasn’t I moving forward with a plan?!
Living a Life That We Don’t Want
The feeling of being stuck in life can come from an awful lot of reasons. We’re doing a job that we don’t like, taking a course that we don’t like and living with someone that we don’t like anymore.However, each of these reasons eventually leads to one simple fact—my life should be different than it is right now.
I want to do so many things—I want to turn my dream of an ‘ideal living’ into reality. But I am stuck in this dead-end job, in the name of responsibility and comfort.
Should Your Life Be Different Than It Is Right Now? |
Did you know one of the biggest reasons behind suicides is hopelessness towards life?
It Happens With Everyone
I am not going to give you some “hacks” on how to stop feeling stuck in life. I can’t!But if you’re going through something similar – walking in a dark endless tunnel, alone, clueless – should you know, there are millions of people walking in the same tunnel.
Everyone, at one time or another, feels stuck. The only difference is, some stay in that state for few days, others lurk around in that shade for months and even years.
'I'm Feeling Stuck in Life' - You're Not Alone |
(Right now I am living this moment… with full acceptance and a slight change of view towards life.)
There’s no such thing as “Perfect Life”
The fact that we’ve always been fed the idea of a “perfect life” is hurting.We scroll through our social media feeds, stumble across a beautiful picture of someone traveling and we tell ourselves “they are living a perfect life”.
We watch YouTube videos, we read stories, we see people on greener grass—and all these come off as a “perfect life” for us.
In our chase for such perfect life, we start hating our present days. The feeling of being stuck rushes. Everything that goes wrong now foretells just how much our lives suck and how desperately we need to stride towards that perfect life we see around ourselves.
Perfect Life Doesn't Exist |
If you’re feeling stuck, sit back and think why is that? You definitely want to get somewhere else than you are right now – where is that “somewhere”?
More often than not, you will find yourself chasing a (non-existing) image of perfect life!
You want to be something—why? Because you have pictured yourself living a perfect life once you get there.
Now lets’ head back to reality. A PERFECT LIFE DOESN’T EXIST. There will always be some problems even when you get to the very top of your personal and professional life.
Do you think, once you’ve reached your dreams, problems will stop knocking your door?
Of course, not!
So the first step to feeling “unstuck” is to understand the fact that there’s no such thing as perfect life.
There exists a better life. And to get there, we need not change our whole life—we just need to change our days.
What To Do When Feeling Stuck in Life? |
Live the days, and you’ll live the life!
Remember… You’re going to die
How do we change our days when we’re so caught up in the grief of our present situation?It’s plain and simple! Just tell to yourself that you’re going to die!
Yes, this might sound dismal but it is one of the most effective techniques I have found. When you’re feeling stuck, you simply remind yourself that, even if nothing changes in your life, it’s only a matter of few years and everything will be over.
I am going to die soon. Relieved of this worst feeling. Away from all the problems.
When you shift your mindset from living to dead, you will instantly feel much elevated. The current struggle would feel much smaller in the face of mortality. It would dawn on you that the pain you’re living this hour, this day, isn’t forever. It’s going to end soon. And likely then, in death, you’ll be in a much better position.
When you’ll think about death, you will instantly come back from your chase for that perfect life into your present. Even with all the problems, you will feel much appreciative of what you have that you’re not going to have after some years from now.
In the face of death, every problem will look smaller. You will be relieved. Relaxed. Calmed. In the Moment.
Treat Death As Motivation - Steve Jobs |
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. – Steve Jobs
When you get into this state, it’s time to get rid of the feeling like you’re stuck in life. But this is not possible until you…
Make Space for HOPE in Your Life
“Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.”What to Do When Feeling Stuck in Life - Accept Reality and Have Hope |
Every time you’re feeling stuck in life, incapable to move and breathe, you need to hope for better days ahead.
Of course, doing this is going to be a challenge. But once you realize how minute your current struggles are and that there’s only “better” and nothing as such “perfect life”, making space for hope in your life would become easier.
Tough times happen to all of us. No matter how strong or powerful or confident we are, tough times will come: viciously forcing their might on us, causing us to crumble. As mighty as we can feel one day, we can feel just as lost and scared the next. I don’t say this to cause fear, I say it because it’s the truth. The hardest part of tough times is not to lose hope. – Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption
You will now be in a much-settled place, with all your anxieties at ease.
You won’t be trying to run out of this dark tunnel, you will simply walk. Because you now know there are so many people walking around you – with you – and that the light at the end will eventually be visible.
You won’t be chasing a perfect life. On the back of hope, you would be looking for better days by understanding how small your problems are and that they eventually will come to an end.
What to do when feeling stuck in life: 6 Steps To Take
- Don’t fight back the feelings; accept them
- Realize that you’re not alone
- Give up the idea of a perfect life
- Remember death and how it would end all your problems
- Make room for hope in your life
- Make your days better—and not your life “best”
Once you’re feeling unstuck and are ready to make your every day better, it’s time to take proactive measures to bring change. This is a different topic altogether; we’ll talk about that sometime else. :)
It might be a bad day and not a bad life |